Field Sales Software: Everything You Need To Know in 2024

screen shot of field sales software

As travel restrictions continue to ease and field sales representatives hit the road once again, it’s crucial to empower them with the right tools and resources.

Surprisingly, despite their importance, field sales reps are often overlooked when it comes to sales enablement. In a world with over 1,200 sales solutions, it’s intriguing to discover that only 151 are classified as field sales softwareGo here to watch a webinar on sales tech stack optimization (but read my blog first, ha).

Let’s explore the world of field sales and unlock its untapped potential.

What is Field Sales Software?

In the fast-paced world of sales, field sales software emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way sales reps engage with customers on the front lines. Let’s delve into the exciting realm of field sales software and uncover its significance in empowering sales teams to thrive in face-to-face interactions.

Quick note: Field sales software is also known as “outside sales software”, and will be used interchangeably in this guide.

photo of a sales rep and their customer

Definition and Explanation of Field Sales Software

Field sales software is a suite of digital solutions that streamline and optimize the activities and processes involved in field sales. It encompasses a range of features and functionalities tailored specifically to the needs of sales reps who spend a significant amount of time on the road, meeting clients face-to-face, and building relationships in the field.

This software enables sales reps to manage their sales pipeline, track customer interactions, access product information, generate quotes and proposals, and collaborate with team members, all from their mobile devices. It acts as a comprehensive toolkit, empowering sales professionals to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities encountered in the dynamic world of field sales.

photo of field sales software for mobile and gmail
Field Sales Apps for Droid & Gmail

Importance of Field Sales Activities and Their Unique Requirements

Field sales activities play a pivotal role in driving revenue growth and building strong customer connections. The ability to meet prospects and clients in person allows for deeper connections and a more personalized sales experience. Field sales reps have the opportunity to assess customer needs firsthand, provide immediate support, and showcase the value of their products or services in a tangible way.

However, field sales (or outside sales) oucomes with its own set of challenges. Sales reps operating in the field need to stay organized, manage their time effectively, and have instant access to crucial information. They require tools that facilitate seamless communication with their team, enable efficient scheduling and sales route planning, and provide real-time access to customer data and sales collateral.

Outside sales tools address these unique requirements by centralizing key functionalities in a user-friendly mobile interface. It empowers sales reps to optimize their productivity, streamline workflows by automating admin work, and enhance customer interactions, ultimately leading to increased sales effectiveness and business growth.

How Can I Be the Best at Field Sales?

Mastering the art of field sales requires a combination of strategic thinking, exceptional communication skills, and a deep understanding of your target market. To help you become a top performer in the field, here are some valuable strategies and tips to complement your use of software:

Strategies and Tips for Excelling in Field Sales

To excel in field sales, it’s crucial to adopt effective strategies that leverage technology and maximize your performance. By implementing the following tips, you can enhance your field sales capabilities and achieve remarkable results, with the assistance of field sales software:

  1. Research, Research, Research: Prioritize thorough research on your prospects and their industries. Understand their pain points, challenges, and goals. This knowledge, combined with the insights provided by outside sales solutions, will enable you to tailor your sales approach and position your product or service as a valuable solution.

  2. Prepare with Purpose: Before meeting a prospect, prepare a personalized pitch that highlights the specific benefits they can expect from your offering. Anticipate objections and have compelling responses ready. Show genuine enthusiasm and confidence in your product or service, utilizing the resources and features available in field sales software.

  3. Embrace the Power of Storytelling: Capture your prospects’ attention and create an emotional connection by incorporating storytelling into your sales conversations. Share success stories and case studies that demonstrate how your solution, supported by outside sales tools, has positively impacted other clients.

  4. Listen and Adapt: Actively listen to your prospects and adapt your sales approach accordingly. Understand their needs and concerns, and address them effectively. Field sales software can help you track customer interactions, manage leads, and stay organized, enabling you to build strong relationships and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Performance

To optimize your field sales performance, technology can be a game-changer. By leveraging the right tools, including outside sales software, you can streamline your workflows, boost productivity, and achieve exceptional results. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Embrace Field Sales Software: Invest in a robust field sales solution that aligns with your specific requirements. Leverage its features, such as contact management, appointment scheduling, and route optimization, to streamline your workflows and maximize productivity, all while maintaining focus on building strong customer connections.

  2. Utilize Field Sales CRM Tools: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software are invaluable for field sales reps. They allow you to track customer interactions, manage leads, and stay organized. Use CRM software, integrated with an outside sales solution, to stay on top of your sales pipeline and nurture relationships effectively, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

  3. Harness the Power of Data: Leverage data analytics and reporting tools provided by your sales tools, including outside sales tools, to gain insights into your performance. Identify trends, optimize your strategies, and make data-driven decisions that enhance your sales effectiveness. With the right technology, you can unlock valuable insights that drive your success.
Veloxy's AI-powered Salesforce Inbox Sidebar
Salesforce CRM Sync

Building Strong Customer Relationships Through In-Person Interactions

In the realm of field sales, building strong customer relationships is paramount. While technology plays a crucial role, nothing beats the power of face-to-face interactions. As you reconnect with prospects and clients on the road, utilize field sales solutions to enhance your efforts and foster meaningful connections.

photo of an interaction between salesman and customer
  1. Invest in Face-to-Face Interactions: While digital communication has its merits, face-to-face meetings remain invaluable in field sales. Take advantage of travel restrictions lifting and make a conscious effort to meet prospects and clients in person. These personal connections, supported by outside sales solutions, can help foster trust and strengthen relationships.

  2. Active Listening and Empathy: When meeting clients in person, practice active listening and show genuine empathy. Understand their unique circumstances and challenges, and demonstrate that you genuinely care about finding solutions that meet their needs. This personal touch, combined with the insights provided by field sales software, can set you apart from competitors.

  3. Deliver Exceptional Service: Strive to exceed your customers’ expectations at every interaction. Be responsive, reliable, and proactive in addressing their concerns. Provide timely follow-ups and maintain open lines of communication, utilizing outside sales software, to ensure a seamless customer experience. By delivering exceptional service, you solidify relationships and foster loyalty.

Field Sales Management Software

Efficiently managing a field sales force and their activities is no easy task. That’s where field sales management software comes into play, revolutionizing the way sales operations are organized and executed. Let’s delve into the world of field sales manager software, exploring its capabilities, benefits, and how it can streamline your sales operations.

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Field Sales Manager Screen

Overview of Field Sales Management Software

Field sales management software is a specialized tool designed to optimize and automate various aspects of managing field sales teams. It serves as a centralized platform that enables seamless communication, task assignment, performance tracking, and reporting.

Sales managers can efficiently oversee their field teams’ activities by leveraging this software, ensuring streamlined operations and improved productivity.

field sales manager and rep meeting

Field Sales Management and Streamlined Operations

Field sales management software offers a range of features and benefits that optimize field sales operations:

Task and Schedule Management: Sales managers can assign tasks to individual team members, set deadlines, and track progress. This ensures that each sales representative knows their responsibilities, stays organized, and optimizes their time in the field.

Real-Time Communication: Effective communication is vital for a field sales force, especially when working remotely. Field sales manager software provides instant messaging, file sharing, and collaborative tools, facilitating seamless communication between team members and managers. This enhances coordination, enables quick decision-making, and fosters a sense of unity among the sales force.

Performance Tracking and Analytics: Sales managers can track their team’s performance through comprehensive analytics and reporting features. They can monitor key performance metrics, such as sales targets, conversion rates, and customer interactions. This data-driven approach allows managers to identify areas for improvement, provide targeted coaching, and optimize sales strategies.

Route Optimization: A field sales manager solution should incorporate route optimization capabilities, allowing field employees to plan their daily routes strategically. By optimizing travel routes, field teams can minimize travel time, reduce fuel costs, and maximize the number of customer visits inbetween data points, leading to improved productivity and increased sales opportunities.

Empowering Sales Teams On the Go with Mobile Field Sales Software

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, sales representatives are constantly on the move, meeting clients, attending trade shows, and prospecting new leads. To support the dynamic nature of field sales, mobile field sales apps have emerged as a game-changer, enabling sales professionals to be productive, efficient, and responsive wherever they are.

Let’s dive into the world of field sales mobile apps and explore their benefits and key features:

outside sales team tech stack meeting

Introduction to Mobile Field Sales Software

Field sales mobile apps are specifically designed for a sales force operating in the field. It equips sales representatives with powerful tools and functionalities on their mobile devices, transforming them into a portable sales hub. With a mobile app for field sales, sales reps can access critical information, communicate with colleagues and customers, and manage their sales activities, all from the convenience of their favorite mobile device.

photo of Veloxy Salesforce app above a map
Veloxy LeadFinder on iPhone

Advantages of Mobile Solutions for Field Sales Teams:

Sales teams that operate remotely face unique challenges and requirements. Mobile field sales software addresses these needs by offering a range of advantages:

  1. Flexibility and Mobility: Mobile solutions empower sales reps to work from any location, reducing their reliance on office-based resources. They can update customer information, track sales progress, and access product details on the go.

  2. Real-time Access to Data: Mobile field sales software provides real-time access to critical sales data and customer information. Sales reps can retrieve the latest product catalogs, pricing, inventory levels, and customer preferences, ensuring they are equipped with up-to-date information during sales interactions.

  3. Route Optimization: Mobile outside sales solutions often include features for route optimization, helping sales reps plan their daily schedules more efficiently. By optimizing the sequence of customer visits, reps can reduce travel time, increase the number of client meetings, and maximize their productivity.

  4. GPS Tracking: With built-in GPS tracking capabilities, mobile sales tools enables managers to monitor the location of their sales organization members in real-time. This functionality enhances safety and security for field sales reps, especially when they are visiting unfamiliar or remote areas.

  5. Lead Generation and Management: Mobile sales software often integrates lead generation and management tools, allowing reps to capture new leads directly on their mobile devices. They can quickly enter lead details, attach notes, and schedule follow-up tasks, ensuring that no opportunity is missed.

  6. Seamless Collaboration: Mobile field sales software fosters seamless collaboration between sales team members and the back office. Sales reps can instantly sync their activities, update customer information, and communicate with colleagues, ensuring everyone stays aligned and informed.

What is the Best Field Sales Software?

Field sales software plays a crucial role in optimizing sales processes and empowering sales teams to achieve their goals. With a wide range of options available in the market, choosing the best field sales tools for your team can be a daunting task. To help you navigate through this decision-making process, consider the following factors:

image of G2's field sales software grid
G2's Field Sales Software Grid (click grid for more)

Factors to Consider When Choosing Field Sales Software:

When it comes to choosing field sales software, there are several crucial factors to consider. Your sales team’s unique requirements, integration capabilities, user-friendliness, mobile accessibility, and analytics and reporting features all play a significant role in finding the right solution.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can ensure that the outside sales tool you select aligns with your team’s objectives and maximizes their potential for success.

  1. Sales Team Requirements: Start by assessing your sales team’s specific needs and challenges. Consider factors such as team size, geographical dispersion, industry vertical, and the complexity of your sales process. Understanding these requirements will help you identify software features that align with your team’s objectives.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Evaluate the software’s integration capabilities with your existing systems, such as CRM platforms, inventory management tools, or accounting software. Seamless integration ensures smooth data flow across different systems, enabling efficient collaboration and accurate reporting.
  3. User-Friendliness: The usability and intuitiveness of the software are essential for user adoption and productivity. Look for a solution that offers a clean and intuitive interface, customizable workflows, and easy navigation. A user-friendly software minimizes the learning curve and allows your team to hit the ground running.
  4. Mobile Accessibility: In today’s mobile-driven world, having a field sales software that is accessible on mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that the software has robust mobile capabilities, including support for both iOS and Android platforms. This enables your sales reps to access critical information and perform essential tasks while on the go.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: Effective field sales solutions should provide powerful analytics and reporting features. Look for tools that offer real-time dashboards, sales performance metrics, and customizable reports. These features enable you to gain actionable insights into your team’s performance and make data-driven decisions.

Key Criteria for Evaluating and Selecting the Right Software for Your Sales Team:

sales team reviewing a field app

Selecting the right software for your sales team requires a thoughtful evaluation process. Beyond the features and functionalities, there are key criteria that should be considered.

Requesting demos or trial periods, reading customer reviews, assessing vendor support, and considering scalability and future growth are essential steps in making an informed decision. By focusing on these key criteria, you can choose a field sales tool that not only meets your team’s immediate needs but also supports their long-term success.

  1. Demo and Trial: Request a demo or trial period for the software to evaluate its features and usability firsthand. This allows your team to experience the software’s capabilities and assess its fit with your specific requirements.
  2. Customer Reviews and References: Read customer reviews and seek references from existing users of the software. This provides insights into the software’s performance, reliability, and customer support.
  3. Vendor Support: Evaluate the vendor’s support offerings, including training resources, documentation, and customer support channels. A responsive and knowledgeable support team can ensure a smooth implementation and address any issues that may arise.
  4. Scalability and Future Growth: Consider your long-term business objectives and growth plans. Choose a software solution that can scale with your business and accommodate future expansion.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Field Sales Tool

Before you choose a field sales platform, there are a few questions you should ask to better understand the needs of your team:

  • What does your sales workflow look like? Will you have to make any changes to existing workflows to adopt a field sales app? Updating your workflows isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you need to plan for any potential disruptions in advance.

  • What are the top challenges of your mobile sales team? Is it communication, identifying new prospects, or reporting to the central office? How does the field sales tool address this challenge?

  • What are the top needs and challenges of the central office? Are analytics, accountability, or communication a priority? How well does the field sales app meet these needs?

  • Identify the needs and expectations of your prospects and customers. Which features will help deliver a better customer experience and make your sales reps easier to reach?

  • Do you focus on B2B or B2C sales? How well does the field sales tool reflect the typical length and complexity of your buying journey?

  • Which KPIs matter to your team? Can you track them with the field sales mobile app you’re considering?

  • Does the vendor behind the field sales tool you’re interested in offer training and support? Do you foresee any obstacles to adopting this new tool?

  • Can you import existing customer profiles and data from existing tools or integrate the other apps you use with your new field sales platform?

  • How will your field sales tool improve my sales activity tracking across all of my devices (smartphone, tablet, computer)?

Field Sales Reporting and Analytics

In the fast-paced world of field sales, data analysis plays a crucial role in driving success and growth. By harnessing the power of reporting and analytics features in field sales software, sales teams can gain valuable insights into their performance, customer behavior, and market trends.

Let’s explore the importance of data analysis, the key reporting and analytics features to look for in an outside sales solution, and how these insights can be utilized for performance evaluation and continuous improvement.

Importance of Data Analysis in Field Sales

Data analysis is the fuel that powers informed decision-making in field sales. By collecting and analyzing relevant data, sales teams can uncover patterns, trends, and opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Whether it’s tracking sales performance, monitoring customer interactions, or identifying market trends, data analysis provides invaluable insights that enable sales professionals to make data-driven decisions, optimize strategies, and stay ahead of the competition.

email analytics performance graphic
Field Sales Engagement Analytics

Reporting and Analytics Features in Field Sales Software

Field sales software offers a range of reporting and analytics features designed to streamline data collection, analysis, and visualization. These features empower sales teams to transform raw data into actionable insights. Here are some key reporting and analytics features to consider when evaluating outside sales software:

  1. Real-time Dashboards: Interactive dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of sales metrics, performance indicators, and key analytics in real-time. Customizable dashboards allow sales reps and managers to monitor progress, track goals, and identify areas that require attention.

  2. Sales Performance Analytics: Advanced analytics tools enable deep dives into individual sales rep performance, team productivity, and revenue generation. Sales managers can leverage these insights to identify top performers, identify training needs, and allocate resources effectively.

  3. Customer Behavior Analysis: Field sales software with robust analytics capabilities allows for the analysis of customer behavior and preferences. By understanding customer buying patterns, preferences, and engagement levels, sales teams can tailor their strategies and offerings to meet specific customer needs.

  4. Sales Funnel Analysis: Analyzing the sales funnel stages and conversion rates helps identify bottlenecks, optimize the sales process, and improve overall sales efficiency. Sales reps can focus their efforts on high-potential leads and take strategic actions to move prospects through the sales funnel.

Utilizing Data Insights for Performance Evaluation and Improvement

Field Sales Reporting

The true value of data analysis lies in its ability to drive performance evaluation and continuous improvement. By leveraging data insights, sales teams can:

  • Identify Areas for Improvement: Analyzing sales data helps identify areas where performance can be enhanced. It could be optimizing territories, refining sales techniques, or targeting specific market segments. Data-driven insights enable sales teams to proactively address challenges and make informed decisions to improve overall performance.

  • Set Realistic Goals: With access to accurate data, sales teams can set realistic and achievable goals. Data-driven goal-setting ensures that targets are based on historical performance, market trends, and individual rep capabilities, leading to better alignment and improved motivation.

  • Track Progress and Measure Success: Data analysis enables sales teams to track progress, measure key metrics, and evaluate the success of different initiatives. By regularly reviewing performance against targets, sales managers can provide timely feedback, recognize achievements, and identify opportunities for further improvement.

  • Optimize Sales Strategies: By combining data insights with sales strategies, teams can optimize their approach. Analyzing customer data, sales performance, and market trends enables sales teams to refine their strategies, tailor messaging, and identify new opportunities for growth.

Final thoughts

Embrace the potential of AI-powered field sales software to revolutionize your sales processes and drive exceptional results. From empowering field sales reps with mobile solutions to optimizing performance through data analysis, field sales software offers numerous benefits.

Explore the available options, evaluate key features, and select a solution that aligns with your team’s needs. Equip your field sales team with the tools they need to achieve remarkable sales growth and embark on a journey of sales excellence.

And if you need to speak with a field sales solutions consultant, schedule time on Samir’s calendar here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does field sales software help with territory management?

Field sales software plays a crucial role in effective territory management. Here’s how it can help:

  1. Streamlined Territory Assignment: Field sales software enables sales managers to efficiently assign territories to their sales representatives. By leveraging features like mapping and data analysis, the software ensures balanced and optimized territory allocation, maximizing sales opportunities.
  2. Enhanced Coverage and Planning: With field sales software, sales teams can strategically plan their visits within their assigned territories. The software offers sales route optimization tools that help sales reps prioritize customer visits, minimize travel time, and maximize productivity. This ensures thorough coverage of the territory and efficient time management.
  3. Improved Communication and Collaboration: Field sales software facilitates seamless communication between sales managers and reps, fostering collaboration within the team. This allows for better coordination in managing territories, sharing valuable insights, and addressing any challenges or opportunities that arise.
  4. Performance Tracking and Analytics: Field sales software provides valuable insights into territory performance through advanced analytics. Sales managers can monitor key metrics like sales growth, customer acquisition, and revenue generation for each territory. These analytics empower managers to make data-driven decisions, identify growth opportunities, and allocate resources effectively.

What's a better field sales app—Veloxy or Badger Maps?

When comparing field sales apps like Veloxy and Badger Maps, Veloxy emerges as the superior choice. Here’s why:

  1. Advanced Features: Veloxy offers a comprehensive set of features designed to enhance sales productivity and effectiveness for field sales reps. It includes real-time data synchronization, email tracking, automated reporting, intelligent prospecting, and CRM integration. These features empower sales reps with valuable insights and tools to close deals more efficiently. While Badger Maps is great at routing, Veloxy has routing on top of dozens of other features tailored to the daily life of field sales reps.
  2. Seamless Integration: Veloxy seamlessly integrates with the most popular CRM Salesforce, allowing for a streamlined workflow. Sales teams can access and update customer data directly from the app, ensuring data accuracy and reducing manual entry. That’s real field sales automation!
  3. Personalization and Customization: Veloxy allows users to personalize and customize their sales activities based on their preferences and target audience. It provides intelligent recommendations and insights tailored to each sales rep’s needs, enabling them to deliver personalized sales experiences. Plus, Salesforce Caller ID and cold email personalization are added perks on the mobile app. 
  4. Mobile Accessibility: Veloxy offers a user-friendly mobile app that enables sales reps to access critical information and perform essential tasks on the go. The app supports offline mode, ensuring uninterrupted productivity even in areas with limited connectivity. And if your phone ba

What's the difference between a field sales tool and a field service tool?

While both field sales tools and field service tools cater to mobile workforce management, they serve different purposes:

Field Sales Tools:
Field sales tools focus on optimizing sales processes and activities, primarily targeting sales representatives who engage in selling products or services outside the office. These tools facilitate lead management, customer relationship management, sales pipeline tracking, and performance analytics. Field sales tools aim to enhance sales effectiveness, improve customer interactions, and drive revenue growth.

Field Service Tools:
On the other hand, field service tools primarily serve organizations providing on-site services and support. These tools assist in managing field service technicians, scheduling appointments, dispatching work orders, tracking service requests, and inventory management. Field service tools are designed to streamline service operations, improve response times, and ensure customer satisfaction.

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Samir Majumdar

Samir Majumdar

Samir is the CEO and Co-founder of Veloxy. After spending 20+ years creating corporate systems, boosting revenue, and eliminating inefficiencies, Samir started Veloxy to help sales professionals shorten sales cycles, accelerate pipelines, and close more deals.

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