Double Your Sales Team’s Revenue with Veloxy

Sales team overwhelmed by too many sales tools? Simplify their workflow and channel their efforts where they’re needed the most with an all-in-one sales productivity and acceleration solution.


Work Smarter, Not Harder

Veloxy is a complete sales software solution that simplifies your teams’ daily work and puts them in control. Let them access all their essential business activities and info, like tasks, calendars, contacts, notes, and reports, in one seamlessly integrated single app.

veloxy field sales software for iphone

Designed by Sales Professionals,

For Sales Professionals

Veloxy was meticulously crafted by top field sales professionals to enhance sales team productivity. By consolidating their daily workflow into one user-friendly interface, Veloxy frees up time so your sales reps can devote more attention to every customer – putting their focus where it belongs.

With Veloxy, you quickly:

Optimize the sales process with just a few taps

Enable access to everything needed for a productive day

Help your teams engage with customers more effectively

Provide insights to improve performance over time

Access Information From Anywhere

One of the biggest challenges for busy sales professionals is the fragmentation of tools across different apps and desktop programs.

Your sales reps probably use different apps for calendars, tasks, contacts, notes, reports, and other information.

This means they have to spend a lot of time and effort bouncing between various apps to get their work done.

veloxy field sales software for iphone
sales managers reviewing revenue and market share reporting

Key Tools in a Single App

Veloxy changes all that by integrating the most important tools into a single app. With Veloxy, the calendar, tasks, contacts, notes, and sales reports become accessible from a central hub.

What’s more, because Veloxy is a mobile app, your sales reps can access all their essential business tools, whether they’re at a desk or on the go. No more being stuck without access to important customer information or reports just because they aren’t at a computer.

sales rep juggling too many sales tools
a sales team experiencing improved productivity

Veloxy Helps Your Teams Succeed

With Veloxy, your business is accessible with just a few taps on a phone or mobile device. Streamlining essential business tools into one seamless experience, Veloxy saves your reps time and boosts their efficiency. 

No more chaos—just simplicity and efficiency from a single source. The outcome? A sales team focused solely on your customers, providing higher quality service.

Optimize the Sales Process on the Go

With Veloxy, optimizing the sales process has never been easier. Key features like dynamically populated task lists, automated workflows, and detailed contact profiles ensure the sales process runs like a well-oiled machine:

Make Every Day Productive

Once all the tools and sales workflows are set up in Veloxy, getting your sales teams ready for a profitable day is simple. A few quick taps in Veloxy are all it takes:

Check the Task List and Review the Calendar

Your sales reps can see what’s planned for the day based on the calendar. Veloxy shows them the priority tasks for client meetings or follow-ups so they start the day with a clear purpose and defined aims.

They can see scheduled calls, meetings, and to-dos in one calendar view – and, if needed, make adjustments on the go.

Scan Important Contacts and Skim the Inbox

Veloxy lets your teams view concise profiles for key clients, prospects, or stakeholders at a glance. This allows them to quickly refresh on past discussions and ensure the proper context to move deals forward.

Your reps get a birds-eye view of new emails without switching apps, and they can flag essential messages to revisit later without missing a beat.

Check Yesterday's Metrics

With Veloxy, it only takes a moment to review sales KPIs like demos booked, new opportunities created, and more, to stay on top of the numbers.

With just a few taps, teams can cover all the bases for a highly productive work day. No more wasting time switching between disjointed apps and windows. Your business is optimized and accessible from morning to night.

Better Engage Customers

While productivity and process optimization are major benefits, Veloxy’s value comes from helping your teams build stronger customer relationships through personalized, data-driven interactions.

Key features like in-depth contact profiles, smart automated tasks, and robust analytics allow teams to engage customers better.

Tailored Interactions Drive Success

Detailed customer profiles in Veloxy give a 360-degree view of past interactions, pain points, next steps, and more. Addressing individual customer needs based on this intelligence strengthens meaningful connections.

Personalized follow-ups, emails, and meeting discussions move deals forward faster based on each customer’s unique situation.

Consistent Follow-Through Is Key

Automated tasks and workflows in Veloxy ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Prospecting emails, follow-up calls, and opportunity reviews are handled seamlessly behind the scenes. Customers appreciate this type of consistency and responsiveness, and it helps build trust over time.

Data-Driven Insights Guide Strategy

Actionable reports in Veloxy highlight top-performing sales reps, core customers, the most effective campaigns, and more. Armed with these insights, you can double down on the best strategies for your business and improve things in areas that need adjustment. The result is stronger customer relationships and increased sales.

By consolidating all customer profiles, automated processes, and analytical data in Veloxy, your sales teams can reach their full potential – building lasting partnerships through personalized and insightful customer engagement.

Succeed as a Team, Together

While optimizing productivity is invaluable, Veloxy shines when it’s used to empower your teams to take your business to the next level. Its key features unlock unprecedented visibility and collaboration at scale, including:

new veloxy logo
photo of veloxy mobile field sales app

Full Workflow Transparency and Activity Reports

Veloxy’s sales intelligence gives managers real-time views of reps’ tasks, calls, notes, and pipelines. Custom dashboards show metrics like demos booked, opportunities won or lost, emails sent, and more. Full transparency across teams helps benchmark performance and identify strengths and weaknesses. 

Streamlined Process Management and Collaborative CRM

Veloxy ensures consistent best practices across teams through custom workflows, auto-assigned tasks, and standardized processes managed from the central hub. Shared opportunity records, client profiles, and notes nurture natural teamwork. Isolated spreadsheets and overlapping efforts become a thing of the past.

On-Demand Coaching

Join calls, review emails, and provide guidance through Veloxy. Remote coaching keeps teams focused, wherever they are. Veloxy connects your sales organization, boosting visibility, process optimization, and collaboration, ensuring your teams exceed goals and quotas.

Start Streamlining Your Business Today

Are you ready to liberate your sales teams from disjointed tools and empower them to engage customers more effectively? Veloxy puts your business on the fast track to maximum productivity, streamlined processes, better collaboration, and breakout business success.

Launch your free trial today to experience the Veloxy difference without commitment. You’ll immediately see how much time and money Veloxy saves by integrating all your critical sales workflows into one seamless system.

Go ahead and get started, risk-free.

sales team streamlining their workflow

Enterprise-Class Implementation and Support

After implementing Veloxy, many clients consistently report breakthrough results across key metrics:

An increase in new contacts through streamlined prospecting

More deals closed per quarter with optimized sales processes

Increased rep productivity by removing redundant tasks

Shortened sales cycles with real-time tracking

Revenue growth year-on-year with optimized sales efforts

With Veloxy providing the workflow efficiency, sales intelligence, and connectivity needed, your teams will be well on the way to reaching their full potential.


Enterprise-Class Implementation and Support

For our enterprise clients, we go above and beyond to ensure a smooth onboarding and optimized ongoing experience. Our dedicated Enterprise Success team provides:


Customized Implementation

We conduct discovery calls to understand your unique workflow needs. Then, our implementation experts will configure Veloxy precisely to your requirements with customized fields, forms, permissions and more.


Data Migration Assistance

Don't want to rebuild your existing CRM data from scratch? Our data experts can help migrate all your contacts, accounts, deals, and activity history from other platforms to Veloxy.

Training Sessions

Administrators and key users will receive personalized training. Our experts will train your sales teams on best practices for configuring the platform.


Priority Support

A dedicated support team provides 24/7 phone or email assistance. We handle implementation, support, and optimization in-house, ensuring a seamless Veloxy rollout and experience. Recognized by G2 for years, our white-glove services set enterprises up for success.

Salesforce Integration

While Veloxy is a powerful standalone solution, it can also integrate tightly with the Salesforce CRM platform many of our customers already rely on.

Synced Contact and Account Data

Contacts, accounts, deals, and activities are automatically synced between Veloxy and Salesforce, via Velxoy’s real-time bidirectional API integration. That means no more duplicate or out-of-date records.

Associated Emails and Tasks

Prospecting emails sent from Veloxy are logged as activities in Salesforce. Follow-up tasks in Veloxy trigger reminders in Salesforce, too, offering complete end-to-end visibility.

Automated Prospecting

Veloxy uses predefined prospecting workflows to send nurture sequences from Salesforce automatically. Qualified leads are scored through lead prioritization and moved to the pipeline.

Dynamic Lead Generation

AI-assisted lead capture forms in Veloxy populate Salesforce on form submittal. Dynamic routing assigns new leads to reps.

Centralized Pipeline Management

Sales teams manage opportunities more easily in Veloxy, updating key fields and monitoring pipeline health with a few clicks. Veloxy and Salesforce are fully synced for end-to-end visibility and management.

Stay Compliant With Integrated Tools

Veloxy provides built-in email marketing tools and safeguards that comply with global regulations like CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR for email communications:

Address Validation and Template Approval

Contact list addresses are validated on upload and periodically to remove invalid or false emails. By making compliance features core to the platform, Veloxy empowers your marketing teams to achieve their outreach goals safely without burdening them with complex consent, list, or legal issues.

Consent Management and Unsubscribe Linking

The platform tracks customer communication preferences and consent histories to ensure only those individuals and businesses who opt in are contacted. Marketing emails are sent with visible, functional unsubscribe links as CAN-SPAM and CASL require.

Veloxy Lite Inbox Extension for Gmail and Outlook

Just imagine how much more revenue your sales teams would generate if they could manage the pipeline, customer engagement, opportunities, and calendar right from their inboxes. With Veloxy Lite, they can!

Do Your Team a Favor

Try Veloxy!

Ready to see how our sales software could drive 200% more revenue from your sales team? Schedule a free demo today.


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