Steal Our 10 B2B Cold Email Templates (to 2X Response Rates)

illustration of a sales rep stealing cold email templates

How do you instantly tell the difference between a good cold email template and a bad one?

Look at who wrote the cold email and their average response rates.

  • Depending on your company, cold email writing is commonly shared between sales reps and marketing.
  • According to Campaign Monitor, a good response rate should be 10%. 

Fortunately for you and me, I’ve invited a cold email expert to complement this blog post who has sent over 2.5 million cold emails. Kyle Borner has helped Fortune 500 and Inc. 5000 companies with cold email writing and improving response rates for 10 years.

Here’s what Kyle tells his clients about cold emails:

Marketing should only offer advice on length, content, layout. Sales should own the core strategy and message, and they should never settle for a response rate below 25%.”

Kyle and I know that it’s easier said than done. What we have for you here will get you as close as possible to improving your cold outreach—10 FREE proven cold email templates!

In this post, we’ll cover five cold email templates we empower our users (salespeople) with to help them increase their sends and response rates. And we’ll tell you how to use each template.

    1. Holiday & Weekend Cold Email Template

    Stop me if you’ve heard this before. “Don’t bother sending an email, it’s Friday.” or “Don’t bother sending an email, tomorrow’s Thanksgiving.” Whatever you do, do not follow that advice. Instead, send this cold email template:

    Subject: Before you leave for [the weekend OR vacation OR name of holiday]


    Can we schedule a quick call before you leave for [the weekend OR vacation OR name of holiday]?

    I only need 2 minutes, but you may want 10 or 15 when you hear what I have to share (hint: it will help you a lot when you get back to the office).

    Thank you,

    Example of this template

    Subject: Before you leave for Thanksgiving

    Hi Mike,

    Can we schedule a quick call before you leave for [the weekend OR vacation OR name of holiday]?

    I only need 2 minutes, but you may want 10 or 15 when you hear what I have to share (hint: it will help you a lot when you get back to the office).

    Thank you,

    PS. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

    Best time to send this cold email

    As I mentioned earlier, most salespeople pump the brakes on outreach on Fridays and near vacation time. Get noticed in the inbox by ignoring the status quo. Start sending this high-response rate cold email template a day or two before the following:

    • Weekend
    • Personal Vacation
    • Thanksgiving
    • Christmas
    • New Years
    • Memorial Day
    • 4th of July
    • Labor Day

    You may be thinking, “How would I know when my lead is taking time off?” Well, if you’re focused on being a helpful consultant, improving the customer experience, and personalizing your Salesforce records–you will know when they’re taking time off.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    Don’t wait until the Friday before Thanksgiving to send this email. Plan ahead! Create a list of unresponsive leads in Salesforce, add them to an email campaign, and schedule the email to be sent first thing in the morning.

    2. Complement cold calling

    Yes, further ignore the status quo by leading with cold calls on Fridays and before vacation time. We wouldn’t recommend calling after 2pm, especially if your lead’s office has a Kegerator or wine bar.

    If you happen to land in their voicemail, be very brief and ask them to call you back. Afterwards, send them the holiday/weekend cold email and personalize it with a note about them missing your call.

    3. Pay attention to email tracking alerts

    While you’re getting traction from your cold email campaign and cold calling efforts, pay attention to your email tracking alerts. Customers are known for “wasting time” on Friday afternoons and the day before vacation, so it’s common for them to browse their inbox and engage with emails. When this happens, call them and or send them the holiday cold email template.

    2. Wrong Number Cold Email Template

    You’re only as good as your Salesforce data. From time to time, you’ll have outdated contact records, from email address to title, and especially your lead’s phone number. Even your data enrichment solution may not know of your lead’s data change. But here’s the butter on the toast. Even if their data hasn’t changed, you can use the urgency tied to a specific data type to encourage a response. What better data type to focus on than one’s phone number?

    Subject: [FIRSTNAME], is this your number?


    Is this your best number?


    Thank you in advance for letting me know. I can’t seem to get through.

    Example of this template

    Subject: Mike, is this your number?

    Hi Mike,

    Is this your best number?


    Thank you in advance for letting me know. I can’t seem to get through.

    PS. My CEO is interested in our next conversation.

    Best time to send this cold email

    Think about your personal life. Who are the people that you would share a new phone number with? Your spouse or partner, your family, friends, and key business stakeholders. Now imagine forgetting to share your number with someone important, and not realizing it until they sent you an email. Whether the number they have is correct or not doesn’t really matter. It’s the urgency to get a hold of you that matters the most.

    Start sending this high-response rate cold email template when one or more of the following conditions are true:

    • Last contact date is over 3 months
    • Unresponsive contact / account
    • The number you have is managed by a gatekeeper

    Kyle shared the following: “While long-bodied cold emails can work, rest assured that an excessively short cold email that simply applies urgency to phone number accuracy will give you the opportunity to share the content of the long email verbally 9 times out of 10.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    It’s likely that you have hundreds of unresponsive prospects. Segment them into lists of 50 and send the campaign once a week. You’ll predictably start 5 to 10 new conversations with minimal effort, while also improving the data accuracy of your Salesforce instance.

    2. Complement territory visits

    When you’re planning a trip to visit clients, use your field sales mapping software to build a list of unresponsive prospects nearby. That way you can add a short sentence to this cold email template that specifies why you’re going to be in the area.

    3. Pay attention to email tracking alerts

    You may be thinking, “But what if it IS the right phone number?” Then be sure to have your email tracking turned on when you send this cold email template. When they open the email, and you receive the notification, immediately call that number. 9 times out of 10 they’ll be available to take your call, and you’ll be able to gauge whether or not timeliness has been a causal factor in their past lack of responsiveness.

    3. Geo-based Cold Email Template

    Now that Covid travel restrictions are in the rear view mirror, field sales reps can once again unleash their roadwarrior side. Prior to regional travel plans, field reps would send templated emails and make calls to visit clients in the area. Don’t forget about prospects! Be sure to send your coldest prospects this cold email template:

    Subject: [CITY/TOWN]


    I’m going to be in [CITY/TOWN] [DATE RANGE]. Should I stop by with four iced caramel macchiatos?


    Example of this template

    Subject: Sonoma

    Hi Mary,

    I’m going to be in the San Francisco area next week. Should I stop by with four iced caramel macchiatos when I’m in Sonoma?


    Notice how I lead with their town in the subject line, but highlighted the greater metro area in the first sentence. That shows the prospect just how much you’re willing to go out of your way to visit them, which is great! Plus, don’t just say “coffee”, unless you have that marked in your personalized Salesforce records. Be creative, and choose one of Starbucks’ most popular drinks.

    Go here to learn how to improve your cold email copywriting!

    Best time to send this cold email

    This email receives its highest response rates 2 to 3 weeks before the date of your proposed visit. Aside from your average field sales travel, you can get similar response rates for other, more creative “destinations”:

    • Webinars (webinar platform as location, $5 starbucks card for registering)
    • Meetups (coffee shop/restaurant as location, offering to pay bill for scheduling)
    • Virtual Meetings (Zoom or Google Hangouts as location, $5 starbucks card)

    HOT TIP: Kyle has this all-too-exciting tip that you can’t ignore. “If you think some of these personalized contact data fields is over-the-top for your Salesforce records, then I’m willing to bet your Sales Org isn’t too confident in their account based selling framework. Schedule a meeting with your marketing team. Ask them to build ABS landing pages where clickable elements or forms are integrated with Salesforce. By doing that, you can progressively enhance your prospect and account intelligence—and in so doing, enhancing your cold email efforts!

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    Before you hit the road to visit clients and stop-in to prospects, send this cold email template 2-3 weeks ahead of time. If you use Veloxy, we have a drip campaign built for this very reason. Our field sales users have used it hundreds of times!

    2. Complement cold calling

    If you cringed when you saw “iced caramel macchiato” in the cold email, be sure to reach out to your unresponsive prospects via phone.

    If you land in their voicemail, run down the list of other popular, yet unique Starbucks drinks in your message. “Hey Mary, I know I specified iced caramel macchiatos in my email to you yesterday, but if you or your colleagues want something else–perhaps a pumpkin spice latte or caramel frappuccino–call me back, 510-402-6913, it’s Samir.

    3. Consider cold LinkedIn messages

    Cold templates are great. But, don’t think that they’re exclusively for email. How many times have you received a cold message in LinkedIn and it was 5 paragraphs deep? I received three this week already! Copy and paste this template into LinkedIn Sales Navigator and try it on the most unresponsive prospects.

    4. CEO's Best Friend Cold Email Template

    When you need to send cold emails to decision makers higher up the Org Chart, you need to change the content of your templates. The best path for this is to leverage the organization’s “top dog” and the prospect’s professional aspirations. Start by sending this cold email template:

    Subject: [CEO NAME]


    What if [CEONAME] heard that you were responsible for [GOAL]?

    I’ve already helped [TITLE]s at [CLIENT A], [CLIENT B] and [# of CLIENTS] gain their CEO’s praise.

    I only need 10 minutes of your time.

    Thank you in advance for letting me know,

    Example of this template

    Subject: Jeff Sebewaing

    Hi John,

    What if Jeff Sebewaing heard that you were responsible for improving productivity by 180%?

    I’ve already helped Managers at Comcast, T-Mobile and 72 other companies gain their CEO’s praise.

    I only need 10 minutes of your time.

    Thank you in advance for letting me know,

    Best time to send this cold email

    Pleasing the CEO, at the end of the day, is the most important achievement of any staff member (especially if you’re an administrator). Start sending this high-response rate cold email template near the following events:

    • End of the quarter
    • End of the calendar year
    • After the hire of a new CEO

    Here’s another tip from Kyle, “The last one is key. You should never wait to get on the good side of a new CEO. Be sure to use Lead411 or ZoomInfo to get instant alerts when a new CEO is hired or promoted at your hot prospective accounts.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    First, create a list of the prospects you want to cold email. Second, add the corresponding CEO, Title and Goal fields to the same CSV file. Third, merge the list with this cold email template, and send them in scale!

    2. Complement cold calling

    When the CEO’s name is dropped in a voicemail message, it can magnify your email and overall message, further improving your response rates with this template. 

    Kyle added, “If you’re a bold salesperson, reach out to the CEO first. If you’re like 95% of the sales reps who try this, you won’t connect with the CEO, and that’s okay. You just need a proven reference point.

    3. Consider using a drip campaign, too

    It might make more sense to email the CEO first, and then your prospect. Send an email to the CEO about your passion to help the company solve the “goal”. Afterwards, send the cold email template to your prospect that references the fact that you emailed the CEO first. If you have the time, forward the email sent to the CEO and then add the cold email template to your message.

    5. Winning Cold Email Template

    One of the biggest problems salespeople encounter when handed thousands of prospects is segmenting by goals. These can be unique to organizations and can even use executive-specific lingo. Choose to simplify all goals into the one powerful noun, WIN, by using this cold email template:

    Subject: [FIRSTNAME]


    Are you still looking for a few more wins before the end of the [TIMEFRAME]?

    I can guarantee that I can get you one win… maybe two, I don’t know yet.

    Should we talk for 5 minutes?


    Example of this template

    Subject: Tracy

    Hi Tracy,

    Are you still looking for a few more wins before the end of the year?

    I can guarantee that I can get you one win… maybe two, I don’t know yet.

    Should we talk for 5 minutes?


    Best time to send this cold email

    More often than not, your prospects have key performance indicators to meet. If you have a solid offering, there should be something that you can guarantee. And guarantees act as the best lures for fishing responses and meetings. Start sending this high-response rate cold email template at these times:

    • 2 weeks before the end of the month
    • 6 weeks before the end of the quarter
    • 2 months before the end of the year

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create an optimized cold email campaign

    This email is best sent when you can leverage email tracking data. You want to do this so as not to let this most-valuable template slip through the cracks. Segment your prospects by realistic times and days (eg. Thursday morning), and click send.

    2. Complement cold calling

    Communicating empathy on a live cold call or voicemail is critical when your prospect has their back against the wall. When you balance this with the “winning” message and a sense of urgency, you’ll get a meeting 95% of the time.

    3. Pay attention to progressive profiling

    Using “wins” is a shortcut to getting higher response rates from your cold emails. But, if you took my advice and met with your marketing team, you should be able to shorten the sales cycle even further by replacing “wins” with super specific results. Be sure you add progressive profiling to your outbound marketing content!

    6. Value Proposition Cold Email Template

    The Value Proposition Email is designed to directly strike a chord with the prospect by succinctly presenting a compelling case for your service or product. The core idea is to articulate your unique value offering in a way that resonates with the recipient’s pain points or goals, inducing them to engage in a conversation with you.

    Subject: [GOAL], just like [CLIENT]–Are you in?


    [GOAL] might seem like a Herculean task. Yet, that’s exactly what we did for [CLIENT’S NAME] in a mere [SHORT TIMEFRAME]. Imagine what that could mean for you—a seismic shift, opening new realms of possibilities. Intrigued? Let’s turn your curiosity into a reality.

    Can we delve into this over a brief call this week? I’m excited to explore synergies.


    Example of this template

    Subject: Unlock 200% Revenue Growth, just like Vast Networks–Are you in?


    Elevating revenue by 200% might seem like a Herculean task. Yet, that’s exactly what we did for Vast Network’s in a mere 2 months. Imagine what that could mean for you—a seismic shift, opening new realms of possibilities. Intrigued? Let’s turn your curiosity into a reality.

    Can we delve into this over a brief call this week? I’m excited to explore synergies.


    Best time to send this cold email

    The golden hours for this email are Tuesday or Thursday morning. This window coincides with the time when professionals are often catching up on emails and more receptive to transformative ideas.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    Aim to hit the bullseye by targeting potential clients who would truly value what you’re offering—a shot at substantive revenue enhancement.

    2. Complement cold calling

    Reiterate your compelling value proposition in a follow-up cold call approximately 48 hours post-email. This reinforcement helps etch your proposition into their memory.

    3. Consider a drip campaign

    No response yet? Don’t lose heart. Maintain the tempo with a sequence of follow-up emails, each offering deeper insights into how you’ve achieved comparable successes for others.

    7. Social Proof Cold Email Template

    A Social Proof Email leverages testimonials, case studies, or endorsements to validate your company’s credibility and expertise. Instead of you tooting your own horn, it lets satisfied clients do the talking. It provides that invaluable ‘third-party validation’ that can be the tipping point for a prospect to consider your services or products seriously.

    Subject: [GOAL] – Would you like to know more, [FIRSTNAME]?


    We recently engineered a bold transformation for [CLIENT’S NAME]; [GOAL]. Would you like to know how?

    As a matter of fact, we help EVERY client achieve [BROADER GOAL]. It’s a proven, replicable strategy that you can implement too.

    Would you like to know more?


    Example of this template

    Subject: Salesforce ROI – Would you like to know more, Jake?

    Hi Jake,

    We recently engineered a bold transformation for Vast Networks; Salesforce ROI in only 3 months. Would you like to know how?

    As a matter of fact, we help EVERY client achieve Salesforce ROI, adoption and automation. It’s a proven, replicable strategy that you can implement too.

    Would you like to know more?


    Best time to send this cold email

    The optimal timing is shortly after acquiring a robust testimonial or a compelling case study from a satisfied client. This is when the power of social proof is at its zenith, making your email more persuasive.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    Strategically aim this email at prospects who either belong to the same industry or are wrestling with similar challenges as the client you’re using as social proof.

    2. Complement cold calling

    Don’t forget to name-drop your successful case study or testimonial during any follow-up calls. This not only reinforces your email but also adds a layer of verbal assurance.

    3. Consider a drip campaign

    Remain on their radar by rolling out a series of emails, each unveiling a new testimonial or case study that reaffirms your credentials.

    8. Client Video Cold Email Template

    A Client Endorsement Email aims to go beyond text-based endorsements by delivering compelling customer success stories via video content. Videos add a layer of authenticity and engagement that text alone can’t achieve. This format offers recipients the chance to see and hear a happy client, making the testimony far more impactful.

    Subject: [CLIENT’S FIRST NAME] wants you to watch this…


    I’m not sure if you know [CLIENT’S FIRST NAME] at [CLIENT], but he/she has a transformative, extraordinary story that he/she wanted to share with you. They’ve recorded a short video detailing how our [SERVICE/PRODUCT] helped catapult their business to new heights (and how it can do the same for you!).

    Watch Their Story Here

    What if their success story could be your success story? 


    Example of this template

    Subject: Phillip wants you to watch this…

    Hi Kathy,

    I’m not sure if you know Phillip Britton, but he has a transformative, extraordinary story that he wanted to share with you. He recorded a short video detailing how our Mobile App helped 10X his sales effectiveness tied to Salesforce (and how it can do the same for you!).
    video used in cold email template

    What if Phillip’s success story could be your success story? 


    Best time to send this cold email

    A Video Testimonial Email is impactful any day of the week but consider sending it during mid-week mornings when recipients are actively checking their email and have some breathing room to watch a video.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a cold email campaign

    Use segmentation to aim this email at prospects who share similar challenges or goals with the client featured in the video.

    2. Complement cold calling

    In your follow-up calls, reference the video and gauge their reactions to it, using it as a talking point to discuss potential solutions for them.

    3. Consider a drip campaign

    Keep the conversation going by following up with more success stories or details about how your service or product could benefit them specifically.

    9. 'Cry Wolf' Urgency Cold Email Template

    A ‘Cry Wolf’ Urgency Email leverages the well-known fable of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” to highlight the consequences of inaction. The point here is to encourage prospects to act before it’s too late, specifically in the context of resolving a pressing business pain point like rising costs or dwindling revenue.

    Subject: Don’t Be The Business That Cried ‘No Urgency!’

    Hi [FIRST NAME],

    You’ve probably heard the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” right? A boy falsely cries wolf multiple times, and when the wolf actually shows up, nobody believes him. Well, business pain points like [PAIN POINT] are much like that wolf — ignore them long enough, and the consequences can be severe.

    I’ve reached out a few times because I genuinely believe that [PRODUCT/SERVICE] can help you tackle this “wolf” before it wreaks havoc.

    Acting now could prevent [CONSEQUENCES OF PAIN POINTS].

    If you’re not convinced, that’s okay. Just remember, the wolf in the fable wasn’t very forgiving. Would you have a few minutes this week to discuss how we could help keep the “wolf” at bay?


    Example of this template

    Subject: Don’t Be The Business That Cried ‘No Urgency!’

    Hi Travis,

    You’ve probably heard the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” right? A boy falsely cries wolf multiple times, and when the wolf actually shows up, nobody believes him. Well, business pain points like low selling activity KPIs are much like that wolf — ignore them long enough, and the consequences can be severe.

    I’ve reached out a few times because I genuinely believe that Veloxy can help you tackle this “wolf” before it wreaks havoc.

    Acting now could prevent missing individual and team quotas each quarter, and every year.

    If you’re not convinced, that’s okay. Just remember, the wolf in the fable wasn’t very forgiving. Would you have a few minutes this week to discuss how we could help keep the “wolf” at bay?


    Best time to send this cold email

    Send this email when your multiple attempts to reach out have gone unanswered and you’re looking to inject some urgency and creativity into your approach.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a Cold Email Campaign

    Focus on prospects who have shown signs of the particular pain point but haven’t been responsive to previous outreach.

    2. Complement Cold Calling

    Use the “Cry Wolf” theme to create a compelling storyline in your cold call. This will make your message more memorable.

    3. Consider a Drip Campaign

    If there’s still no response, continue to iterate on the “wolf” metaphor in follow-up emails to underscore the growing urgency.

    10. 'Power of 3' Cold Email Template

    A ‘Power of 3’ Metrics Email uses the captivating concept of the power of 3 to focus on three key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, or any other set of numbers that your prospect should care about but isn’t performing well on. This approach creates an urgency and lays down a foundation for how your product or service can be a solution to improve these three critical numbers.

    Subject: How Do These Numbers Play, 23% – 15% – 48%

    Hi [FIRST NAME],

    I was looking at the industry benchmarks and noticed that the top-performing companies in your sector have an average customer retention rate of 23%, a revenue growth of 15%, and a project delivery time reduced by 48%. How do these numbers align with your current dashboard?

    We’ve helped businesses like yours significantly improve on these very KPIs. In fact, with [PRODUCT / SERVICE], some have seen a retention rate jump to 27%, revenue growth accelerate to 20%, and project delivery time reduced by an astonishing 52%. These aren’t just numbers; they’re the lifeblood of any thriving business.

    Would you be open to a brief call this week to discuss how we might be able to help improve your metrics in these three critical areas?


    Example of this template

    Subject: How Do These Numbers Play, 67%, 72%, 1/3

    Hi Dan,

    I was looking at the industry benchmarks the past 5 years and noticed that the average sales team has spent 67 to 72% of their days on non-selling activity. These same sales teams only hit quota 1/3 of the time.

    How do these numbers align with your current dashboard?

    We’ve helped businesses like yours significantly improve on these very KPIs. In fact, with Veloxy, some have seen a selling activity jump to 90%, revenue growth triple in 3 months, and team quota hit before the end of the year.

    Would you be open to a brief call this week to discuss how we might be able to help improve your metrics in these three critical areas?


    Best time to send this cold email

    This email is most effective when sent early in the quarter or fiscal year, providing the prospective client ample time to hit their KPI targets. Tuesday mornings are generally a good time.

    How to use this template?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Create a Cold Email Campaign

    Aim this email at prospects who are likely struggling with at least one of these three key metrics, based on your research or industry benchmarks.

    2. Complement Cold Calling

    When following up with a call, use these three metrics as talking points to elaborate on how your product or service can make a difference.

    3. Consider a Drip Campaign

    Send follow-up emails offering case studies or whitepapers that provide solutions for improving these KPIs.

    Final thoughts on cold email templates

    So there you have it. 5 best practice cold email templates that will drive the highest response rates you’ve ever seen! Plus, you can take them with you across your professional journey because they’re not industry dependent.

    Want to up your cold email game even more? Check out our other cold email blog posts:

    And be sure to give our cold email software a test drive (yes, we even have a mobile app for field sales pro who want to send cold emails on the go!:

    Lastly, if you have cold email questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our email expert Kyle Borner on LinkedIn.


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    Samir Majumdar

    Samir Majumdar

    Samir is the CEO and Co-founder of Veloxy. After spending 20+ years creating corporate systems, boosting revenue, and eliminating inefficiencies, Samir started Veloxy to help sales professionals shorten sales cycles, accelerate pipelines, and close more deals.

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