20 Solar Sales Tips to Win More Business in 2024

photo of a solar sales person closing a deal

Are you interested in a career in solar sales? The solar industry is growing rapidly, and by 2024, it’s estimated that 2.5% of all U.S. homes will have solar panels installed.

This growth means that there will be an increasing need for skilled solar salespeople who can help homeowners and businesses make the switch to solar energy. But selling solar isn’t easy – it requires knowledge, skill, and persistence to convince customers to invest in this renewable energy source.

In this article, we’ll share 20 solar sales tips to help you close more deals and become a successful solar salesperson. Whether you’re new to the industry or an experienced sales professional, these tips will provide you with valuable insights and strategies for selling solar to a diverse range of customers. Let’s get started!

1. Know Your Audience

To be an effective solar salesperson, you must know your audience. This means understanding their unique needs and concerns, as well as their level of knowledge about solar energy.

If you’re talking to a homeowner, for example, you’ll need to understand their energy usage patterns and what motivates them to consider solar. On the other hand, if you’re talking to a business owner, you’ll need to understand their energy needs and the financial (bottom-line) benefits of switching to solar.

Here are some tips to help you get to know your audience:

  • Ask questions and actively listen to their responses. For example, you might ask a homeowner about their monthly energy bill, or a business owner about their long-term energy goals. This will help you tailor your sales pitch to their specific needs and provide them with the information they need to make an informed decision.
  • Research their industry and understand the challenges they may face in terms of energy usage and costs.
  • Use tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator to gather insights about their company and industry.

Another important consideration when knowing your audience is their level of knowledge about solar energy. Some customers may have a basic understanding of solar, while others may not know much at all. It’s important to gauge their level of knowledge so you can provide them with the appropriate level of information without overwhelming them.

Remember, the more you know about your audience, the better equipped you’ll be to close the deal and help them make the switch to solar energy. For more tips on using Sales Navigator in B2B sales, check out this LinkedIn hub of best practices.

photo of a family buying solar panels for their home

2. Educate the Customer

As a solar salesperson, you are not only selling a product but also educating your customers about solar energy. This means providing them with accurate and up-to-date information about the benefits of solar, how it works, and what their options are.

To educate your customers effectively, you can follow these tips:

  • Provide easy-to-understand materials such as brochures or infographics. These materials should highlight the financial, environmental, and energy independence benefits of solar energy.
  • Be able to explain any technical terms or concepts in simple language that your customers can easily understand. Consider using analogies or real-life examples to help illustrate complex ideas.
  • Provide references or testimonials from other satisfied customers. These references can help build trust and credibility, and can reassure customers that they are making the right decision by switching to solar energy.

In addition to these tips, you can also direct your customers to external resources that can help them learn more about solar energy.

One helpful resource is the US Department of Energy’s website, which provides a wealth of information about solar energy and its benefits. By providing your customers with access to these resources, you are demonstrating your commitment to their education and making the switch to solar energy as easy as possible.

photo of a solar rep, installer, and customer

3. Be Transparent

Transparency is crucial in any sales process, and solar sales are no exception. When selling solar energy systems, it’s important to be upfront about the costs, potential savings, and any other factors that may impact the customer’s decision.

Here are some ways to be transparent:

  • Provide your customers with a detailed breakdown of the costs and savings associated with a solar energy system. This should include information on the upfront costs, such as installation and equipment costs, as well as the long-term savings, such as reduced energy bills and potential tax credits.
  • Use a solar calculator to estimate the potential savings for your customers. This tool can provide an estimate of the costs and savings associated with a solar energy system based on the customer’s energy usage and location.
  • Address any concerns or potential issues that may arise during the installation process. For example, if there is a possibility that the system may not be able to generate as much energy as initially anticipated due to shading or other factors, it’s important to let the customer know upfront.

Lastly, being transparent builds trust and credibility with your customers. By providing them with all the information they need to make an informed decision, you can help them feel confident in their choice to switch to solar energy.

For more information on solar calculators, check out this guide.

photo of transparency leading to positive relationship

4. Offer a Free Consultation

Offering a free consultation is a great way to show your customers that you are committed to helping them find the best solar energy solution for their needs. A consultation allows you to:

  • Assess the customer’s energy needs
  • Evaluate their property for solar viability
  • Provide them with a personalized recommendation for a solar energy system
photo of a free solar panel consultation

During the consultation, it’s important to listen to the customer’s concerns and answer any questions they may have. This can help build trust and establish a relationship with the customer. Additionally, offering a free consultation can give you an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and showcase the value of your services.

One great solar consultation tool is the EnergySage Solar Calculator, which can give homeowners a quick and accurate estimate of how much solar can save them. This calculator can help you provide even more personalized recommendations to your customers during the consultation.

Remember, a free consultation is a great way to start building a relationship with your customer. By providing them with personalized recommendations and answering their questions, you can help them feel confident in their decision to switch to solar energy.


5. Use Testimonials

Using testimonials from satisfied customers is a powerful way to build trust and credibility with potential customers. Testimonials provide social proof that your solar energy systems are effective and can deliver on their promises.

To effectively use testimonials, consider the following tips:

  • Choose testimonials that are relevant to the customer’s specific concerns or needs.
  • Share testimonials from customers who have had their system for several years to address concerns about long-term reliability.
  • Ensure that your testimonials are authentic and trustworthy by avoiding the use of fake or embellished testimonials.

By providing real-life examples of satisfied customers, you can help potential customers feel confident in their decision to switch to solar energy. For more tips on how to use testimonials effectively, check out this article on solar testimonials.

photo of a happy solar customer

6. Show ROI

One of the main concerns for potential solar energy customers is whether the investment will pay off in the long run. That’s why it’s important to clearly show the return on investment (ROI) of going solar.

To demonstrate the financial benefits of solar energy, consider the following:

  • Calculate the savings on monthly utility bills.
  • Compare the cost of solar energy to traditional energy sources over time.
  • Show the potential for increased home value.

To make it easier for customers to understand the financial benefits of solar energy, consider using a solar calculator or other tools to show them the potential savings they could realize over the life of their solar system.

Remember, demonstrating the financial benefits of solar energy is crucial to helping potential customers make an informed decision. By showing them the ROI of going solar, you can help them feel confident that their investment will pay off in the long run. Check out this solar calculator to help your customers estimate their potential savings: https://www.energysage.com/solar/calculator/

photo of a sales rep proving ROI

7. Address Objections

As a solar salesperson, you’re bound to encounter objections from potential customers. These objections can range from concerns about the cost of solar energy to doubts about the reliability of solar panels. To effectively address objections, consider the following:

  • Listen to your customer’s concerns and provide them with accurate information to alleviate their fears.
  • Be prepared to answer common questions about the technology, financing options, and the installation process.
  • Provide real-life examples of other customers who had similar concerns but ultimately decided to go solar and were satisfied with the outcome.
  • Consider sharing case studies or success stories from previous customers to demonstrate the benefits of going solar.

Additionally, it can be helpful to provide external resources for customers to learn more about solar energy and address their concerns. For example, the Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office provides resources for homeowners, including information on solar technology, financing options, and frequently asked questions.

It’s important to realize that addressing objections is an important part of the sales process. By listening to your customer’s concerns and providing them with accurate information, you can help them make an informed decision about going solar.

photo of a solar customer having concerns reviewed

8. Use Social Proof

One way to build trust with your potential solar customers is to provide them with social proof. Social proof refers to the idea that people are more likely to trust and follow the actions of others if they see that those actions have been successful.

Here are a few ways to incorporate social proof into your solar sales strategy:

  • Include customer testimonials on your website, social media, and other marketing materials
  • Share positive reviews and ratings on third-party review sites, such as Yelp or Google My Business
  • Use case studies to showcase how your solar panels have helped previous customers save money and reduce their carbon footprint

If you haven’t already, consider creating a profile on EnergySage, a solar energy marketplace that connects homeowners with solar panel installers. By having a profile on EnergySage, you can display your solar panel products and services to potential customers, as well as collect reviews from satisfied customers. This can help to establish your company as a trusted provider in the solar industry, and give potential customers the social proof they need to make a decision.

sales rep showing client solar install awards

9. Focus on Benefits

When selling solar products, it’s important to focus on the benefits that customers care about, rather than getting caught up in technical details. By emphasizing the benefits of solar energy, you can help potential customers see the value in investing in solar. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Emphasize cost savings: Explain how solar energy can help customers save money on their energy bills and potentially earn credits by selling excess power back to the grid. Use real-life examples and calculations to show potential savings over time.
  • Highlight energy independence: Explain how solar energy can provide a reliable source of energy that is not subject to utility rate hikes or outages.
  • Discuss environmental impact: For customers who are environmentally conscious, explain how solar energy can help reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a cleaner planet.

To be effective in highlighting the benefits, it’s important to understand the specific needs and motivations of each customer. By tailoring your message to their specific interests, you can make a compelling case for solar energy.

Remember, by focusing on the benefits of solar energy, you can help potential customers see the value in investing in solar. This can be a key factor in successfully closing deals with customers.

photo of a solar client holding earth

10. Leverage Partnerships

Partnering with other businesses or organizations can be a powerful way to boost your solar sales. For example, you could partner with a home renovation company, an electrician, or even a local charity that promotes sustainable living. By working together, you can reach a wider audience and tap into new markets.

Consider the following ways to leverage partnerships:

  • Offer a joint promotion with a home renovation company, where customers who buy solar panels from you also receive a discount on renovation services.
  • Team up with an electrician to offer a package deal on solar panel installation and electrical work.
  • Partner with a local charity to host an event that promotes sustainable living and renewable energy.

Partnering with other businesses or organizations can also help to build trust with your customers. When they see that you are working with reputable companies or charities, it can help to reinforce the message that solar energy is a smart and responsible choice.

Ultimately, partnering with other businesses or organizations can help you to stand out from the competition, reach new customers, and grow your sales. Check out this article from Solar Power World for more tips on how to leverage partnerships in the solar industry.

11. Use Sales Technology

As a solar salesperson, you can leverage sales technology to help you close more deals. Here are some sales technology tools to consider using:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) tool: A CRM tool can help you manage your leads, track their progress, and automate follow-up emails. Salesforce is a popular CRM tool that can help you manage your sales pipeline.
  • Email marketing tools: You can use email marketing tools to keep your customers informed about your products and services. Veloxy is a popular email marketing tool that can help you create and send personalized cold emails, track emails, and more.
  • Field sales software: Utilize field sales software to optimize your sales activities while on the go. These software solutions can help you manage appointments, track sales progress, and access customer information while you’re out in the field. Some popular field sales software options include Veloxy and others.
  • Video conferencing software: With video conferencing, you can have face-to-face meetings with your customers, even if they are located in a different state. Zoom is a popular video conferencing software that can help you conduct virtual meetings.
  • Virtual reality (VR) tool: Consider using a VR tool to showcase your products. VR can help your customers visualize the installation process and see how the solar panels will look on their roof. Lyra is a popular VR tool that can help you create 3D designs of solar panel installations.

By leveraging sales technology, you can make the sales process easier and more efficient. It can also help you stand out from your competition and provide a better customer experience.

screen shot of field sales software

12. Offer Financing Options

Offering financing options can make solar energy more affordable and accessible to a wider range of customers. When presenting financing options to potential customers, it’s important to emphasize the long-term savings and return on investment (ROI) of going solar.

Here are some financing options you could offer:

  • Solar Loans: This option allows customers to own their solar system and receive tax credits and incentives. The loan can be repaid over time, typically 10-20 years.
  • Power Purchase Agreements (PPA): This option allows customers to lease the solar system and pay for the energy produced by the panels. The customer doesn’t own the system, but they can still benefit from the energy savings.
  • Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing: This option allows customers to finance the solar installation through a property tax assessment. The loan is repaid through the customer’s property taxes over a period of 10-20 years.

Partnering with a financing company can help you offer these financing options to your customers. By understanding the customer’s financial situation and needs, you can offer the financing option that works best for them and increase the chances of closing the sale.

13. Provide a Customized Proposal

To win over potential solar customers, providing a customized proposal is crucial. By tailoring your proposal to their specific needs and situation, you can show them the benefits of going solar and increase your chances of closing the deal. Here are some tips to create a customized proposal:

  • Gather information about the customer’s home, location, sunlight exposure, and energy usage patterns.
  • Use this information to design a proposal that showcases the financial and environmental benefits of going solar.
  • Clearly outline the proposed system’s cost, estimated savings, and return on investment.
  • Address any concerns the customer may have, such as the upfront cost, financing options, or system maintenance.
  • Provide a timeline for installation and explain the installation process.

By providing a customized proposal, you can demonstrate your expertise and dedication to helping the customer make the right decision. To make the process easier, consider using software tools like proposal generators that can automate and streamline the creation of proposals. This can save time and improve the overall quality of your proposals.

14. Highlight the Aesthetics

When it comes to solar panel installations, the aesthetics of the system are just as important as its performance. Many homeowners want to know that the panels will blend in with the design of their home and won’t stick out like a sore thumb. This is where the solar salesperson can highlight the aesthetics of the system.

Here are some tips for highlighting the aesthetics of solar panels:

  • Show photos or videos of previous installations, especially those in the same or similar neighborhoods as the potential customer. This allows the homeowner to visualize what the panels would look like on their own roof.
  • Showcase the design of the panels themselves. Many solar panel manufacturers have created sleek, low-profile panels that are designed to blend in with the roof rather than stand out. By highlighting these features, the salesperson can ease the customer’s concerns about the aesthetics of the system.
  • Use a solar panel visualizer tool to help the customer visualize the installation on their home. One such tool is the Solar Design Tool by EnergySage, which allows homeowners to upload a photo of their home and see what different solar panels would look like on their roof.

Finally, it’s important to remind the customer that solar panels are a long-term investment in the home. The savings from a solar system can be significant over time, and the panels themselves can increase the value of the home. By emphasizing the long-term benefits, the salesperson can help the customer see beyond just the initial aesthetics of the system.

15. Use Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an effective sales tactic that can help motivate potential customers to take action. Here are some ways you can create urgency:

  • Offer limited-time promotions or discounts, such as a discount for the first 50 customers who purchase your product or service.
  • Emphasize scarcity by indicating that there is a limited quantity of the product or service available.
  • Highlight the potential savings that customers can enjoy by going solar, but emphasize that the offer is only available for a limited time.

Using urgency can be a powerful tool in closing deals, but it’s important to use it carefully and not overdo it.

Customers can become skeptical if they feel like the urgency is artificial or if they feel like they’re being pressured into making a purchase. Make sure that your customers understand the value of your offer beyond just the urgency factor, and use urgency sparingly to avoid any negative impact on your sales efforts.

16. Find Nearby Prospects with Geolocation

Geolocation intelligence and lead finder technology can be a game-changer for solar panel sales reps. This tool can help you find potential customers in your area who are most likely to be interested in solar panel installation. Here are some ways to use geolocation intelligence to boost your solar sales:

  • Identify potential customers in your area by analyzing their location and demographics
  • Use this technology to save time and effort by targeting your sales efforts to those who are most likely to be interested in your product
  • Stay ahead of the competition by identifying gaps in the market that you can capitalize on
  • Get real-time data on your competitors’ activities and adjust your sales strategy accordingly

By utilizing geolocation intelligence and lead finder, you can streamline your sales efforts and maximize your results. To learn more about how this technology can help your solar business, check out this article on geolocation intelligence in the field.

17. Use Humor

Humor can be a powerful tool to create a positive and memorable experience for potential customers. As a solar panel sales rep, you can use humor to showcase your personality, lighten the mood, and connect with customers. Here are some tips on how to use humor effectively in sales:

  • Keep it appropriate and tasteful. Avoid offensive jokes or humor that could be seen as insensitive.
  • Make it relevant to the conversation. Use humor to highlight the benefits of solar energy or the customer’s current situation.
  • Use humor in moderation. Don’t overdo it or rely too heavily on humor as a sales tactic.

An example of a sales rep using humor could be a solar panel sales rep saying, “Are you tired of seeing your electricity bill go up every year? Me too, that’s why I switched to solar. Now I can finally afford to treat myself to an extra guacamole at Chipotle.

This type of lighthearted humor can help the potential customer remember you and make the sales experience more enjoyable.

photo of a sales rep telling a funny joke

18. Leverage Referrals

Leveraging referrals is a powerful way to increase sales for solar panel sales reps. When happy customers refer their friends and family, it’s a powerful endorsement of your product and can lead to a high conversion rate. Here are some tips for leveraging referrals:

  • Ask for referrals: Don’t be afraid to ask satisfied customers to refer their friends and family. You can even offer incentives, such as discounts or referral bonuses, to encourage them to refer more people.
  • Network with related professionals: Build relationships with other businesses or professionals in related fields, such as home builders or real estate agents. By doing so, you can increase your chances of receiving referrals from them as well.
  • Use referral software: Referral software can help you manage and track your referral program, making it easier to reward your customers for their referrals. Popular referral software includes ReferralCandy and Ambassador.

One personal experience of leveraging referrals was when a solar panel sales rep named John had a satisfied customer who referred their entire neighborhood to him. The referrals led to a significant increase in sales and helped John establish himself as a trusted solar panel provider in the area.

Overall, leveraging referrals is a simple and effective way to increase sales for solar panel sales reps. By asking for referrals, networking with related professionals, and using referral software, you can create a network of satisfied customers who will continue to bring in new business.

photo of a home referral from a happy client

19. Use Case Studies

Using case studies can be an effective way to demonstrate the value and success of your solar panel installations. By sharing the stories of satisfied customers, you can showcase the benefits of your product and service.

Here are some tips for creating compelling case studies:

  • Identify a customer who has experienced significant benefits from their solar panel system and ask for their permission to participate in a case study.
  • Conduct an interview with the customer to gather their insights and feedback. Be sure to include details about their energy savings, the installation process, and how their life has been impacted by their solar panels.
  • Highlight any unique features of the installation or the customer’s experience.
  • Address common objections or concerns that potential customers may have, such as the cost of solar panel installations or the complexity of the process.
  • Keep the focus on the customer’s experience and the benefits they received, rather than on your company or product.

Case studies can be particularly effective when they are shared on your website or social media channels, and can help build credibility and trust with potential customers.

For examples of effective case studies, check out HubSpot’s case studies.

photo of a sales rep sharing a case study

20. Offer a Guarantee

An effective way to increase customer confidence in purchasing solar panels is by offering a guarantee. A guarantee assures customers that your company will stand behind its product or service and do what it takes to ensure their satisfaction.

Consider the following tips when offering a guarantee:

  • Offer a clear and straightforward guarantee that outlines the terms and conditions. This will help build trust and confidence in your customers.
  • Provide a warranty for the solar panels and other equipment. This will give customers peace of mind in the long-term performance of the system.
  • Make sure that you can deliver on your promise by providing excellent customer service and support.
  • Use your guarantee as a way to overcome objections or concerns that potential customers may have. For example, if a customer is hesitant to purchase because of concerns about the long-term performance of the panels, a guarantee can help to alleviate those concerns.
  • Be prepared to address any issues that may arise and take appropriate action to resolve them quickly and efficiently.

By offering a guarantee, you can build trust with potential customers and increase the likelihood of converting leads into sales. A well-crafted guarantee can help to differentiate your company from competitors and increase customer satisfaction, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

photo of a rep offering a sales guarantee

Happy Selling!

Selling solar panels can be a challenging but rewarding career. By implementing these 25 solar sales tips, you can set yourself up for success and increase your chances of closing more deals.

Remember to focus on building relationships, providing value, and addressing your prospects’ needs and concerns. Utilize technology, humor, and social proof to your advantage, and always strive to improve your sales pitch and techniques.

By continuously learning and adapting, you can become a top-performing solar sales representative and make a positive impact in the world of renewable energy. Good luck and happy selling!

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Samir Majumdar

Samir Majumdar

Samir is the CEO and Co-founder of Veloxy. After spending 20+ years creating corporate systems, boosting revenue, and eliminating inefficiencies, Samir started Veloxy to help sales professionals shorten sales cycles, accelerate pipelines, and close more deals.

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